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Zanzibar flag

Friends of

K/Dimbani School



You may help us in many ways:


You may become a Patron and donate a regular sum each month from as little as £2.
Please e-mail us at and request a form


You may wish to make a donation. Please make your cheque payable to
“Friends of K-Dimbani School” and send to The Secretary, Seapoint, Upway, Porlock, Somerset, TA24 8QE

Corporate Fundraiser

You may be part of an organisation or school and wish to work with the Friends on a specific project for the school.
Please e-mail us at or phone 01643 862289 to discuss your proposal

Concordia Project

Friends of the K/Dimbani School based in West Somerset, England.

Working with the K/Dimbani School in Zanzibar to secure a better future